Used to treat severe cases of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Pityriasis Amiantacea. This treatment cream uses Salicylic acid as well as refined cade oil (Juniper tar). This ingredient is extracted from (Spanish) juniper trees and has excellent antimicrobial and antimitotic effects on the scalp to slow down excessive cellular proliferation It is known as a Keratolytic, (lifts excess skin cells).
Salicylic Acid occurs naturally in the bark of the willow tree, Salix alba. It is used in some skin creams at very low levels as an exfoliant, and at higher levels as a keratolytic treatment for several skin disorders such as seborrheic dermatitis and Psoriasis. Salicylic acid is gentle yet effective in the treatment of Psoriasis helping to soften and lift psoriatic plaques with no bleeding or soreness.
The juniper tar or cade oil, we use in the Strong Juniper cream is extracted by steam distillation of Spanish juniper trees, then distilled to produce a material which has outstanding antimicrobial properties, but also excellent antimitotic effects, so helping to slow down the accelerated epidermal turnover common to so many scalp disorders, particularly Psoriasis, unlike other tars it can be used frequently without causing any dryness to the hair. It also has general soothing and calming effect of irritated scalp tissues so is useful on conditions other than heavy scale.
The product comes with a pair of disposable gloves, 2x dispensing spoons and full instructions on how to use.