The facts behind the condition and how trichologists can help to navigate the impact of hair loss Hair loss and more specifically, alopecia is a common and often highly distressing condition. And, whilst we so often associate ‘balding’ with men, many people are...
Hair Loss Awareness Month August 2023

Hair Loss Awareness Month August 2023

The naked truth about hair shedding in the shower! Hair loss affects around 8million women in the UK and around 85% of men at some point in their lives. August is ‘Hair Loss Awareness Month’ and this annual focus serves to remind us of the importance of discussing...
Summer Hair Care

Summer Hair Care

Saltwater and swimming pool chemicals can leave your hair feeling dry and brittle if not properly protected. Now that we are in the midst of summer, you may be spending time in the sea or in a pool. Although swimming is a great summer activity, it can be bad news for...
Our Hair and the Menopause

Our Hair and the Menopause

As March hosts International Women’s day, I thought that I would share some information about the taboo subject of Women’s hair and the effects of the Menopause. When does our hair start to become affected by the onset of Menopause? The first signs of the hair being...
Vitamins your hair needs!

Vitamins your hair needs!

Vitamins your hair Needs! Hello to everyone out there! I thought that I would offer you some nutritional advice about the nutrients that can really affect our hair. I have been really busy with video consultations and am looking forward to getting back into clinic....