Having worked as the expert trichologist on an unique, independent study (facilitated by the internationally-acclaimed product testing house, Princeton Consumer Research) Eva is thrilled kick off 2025 by shining a light on the key findings, which are set to bring huge reassurance to the thousands of men and women who routinely take collagen supplementation [specifically, the “Absolute™ Collagen” formulation] to improve the appearance of skin, scalp and hair.

Exclusively heading up the ‘hair and scalp’ elements of the trail, Eva worked closely with the team at Princeton to produce a thorough analysis, using data and detailed scans and measurements (including trichoscopy, hair visual grading and self-perception questionnaires) collated from participants in both groups within the trial – and noted a “definite improvement” in those not who were not in the placebo cohort. All those involved in the study took the supplement daily/ every 48 hours for a period of 12 weeks.
In summary, the published results of the research showed:
- 64% reduction in scalp flakiness
- 45% reduction in scaliness
- 27% increase in the average mean diameter of the hair
- 31% improvement in clinical grading score for the appearance of healthy hair
Eva says; “It’s important for consumers – and my patients – to understand what they’re taking, and why. That’s why I believe research such as this is so important and so empowering. There are many collagen products on the market and the choice can be overwhelming and confusing. But, this supplement is also packed full of protein (amino acids) and the all-important Vitamin C, which plays a huge role in the body’s digestion of iron, which is vital for hair health – not to mention its well documented anti-oxidant properties. All of this was considered in our thorough research paper, feeding into our overall understanding of the product whilst supporting efficacy claims.
“I always advocate for the importance of a well-balanced, healthy diet – rich in protein and iron. It’s one of the most crucial factors in maintaining healthy hair and a ‘smooth scalp’. But sometimes even our best efforts need a helping hand.”
Both groups comprised sample sizes of 50 participants (aged 40–60), and the split between genders was 90% female and 10% male. Menopausal status was recorded for the female cohort.
In summary, the study, published in “Dermatology Research and Practice”, concluded; “…..an AC supplement, when consumed daily over 12 weeks, can improve collagen content in the dermis. Furthermore, there is an association between collagen fibres in the dermis and aging features such as hydration, elasticity, and wrinkles.
“We have extended this to include trichoscope and clinical assessment of scalp and hair condition…..These data clearly demonstrate that taking a marine-sourced, hydrolysed collagen plus vitamin C supplement daily can improve skin, scalp, and hair.”
Eva adds; “It was an honour and a privilege to have been invited to take part in this trial – specifically the in-depth research and analysis relating to scalp and hair health. And the results of this research were particularly exciting for me because, 7 years ago, I was involved with a ‘perception study’ on behalf of Absolute Collagen, which at the time was very much in its infancy. What we found in this new, robust and evidence-based clinical trial is what we found back then!
“So, it’s both reassuring and reaffirming to have the published data to back up what we already knew – that this product does get results!”
Notes to editors:
This study was a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind design following the principles of Good Clinical Practice. The protocol was approved by an independent Ethics Committee (signed by the chairman of the East Anglia Ethics Committee on 09.01.2023). A written declaration of informed consent was received from all participants. The study conformed to the requirements of the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki.
This clinical trial was funded by Absolute Collagen and all authors work for Absolute Collagen, except for Eva Proudman, FIT IAT WTS, who is an independent clinical trichologist.
Eva has successfully treated numerous men and women suffering from hair loss and is the resident trichologist on “The Hair Loss Clinic”, which can currently be streamed on Discovery Plus.
“I encourage anyone who is concerned about hair loss and alopecia to check out the information here, where I talk through specific variances of alopecia, causes, and potential treatment options.
As always, if you have any general concerns then please do pop me a question here: www.ukhairconsultants.com/ask-about-symptoms-eva-proudman. I’m always here for you and committed to helping people of all ages with hair and scalp health concerns.”
Or get in touch here!