With the change of season upon us, and autumn vibes ‘falling’ into our wardrobe and overall style palette, now’s the perfect time to give your brushes and bristles a fabulous freshen up to get your hair hygiene in tip top shape for winter!

Eva’s often asked about when – and how often – to replace and refresh a brush (whatever the length, style and texture of your hair). So here, she shares a gentle reminder about the importance of keeping a ‘clean comb’ and making sure your styling tools are always fuzz-free!

Q- Why does fuzz and lint build up in my hairbrush?

Eva says; “You may find a build-up in your hairbrush due to the fact that the hair and scalp attract, dust, debris and dead skin cells which, when you brush your hair, come away and are deposited into the brush.  Our hair contains natural oils called sebum that also deposit onto the brush making it sticky so that debris can build up very easily. 

“Styling products may may also come away onto the brush, adding further to the build-up of ‘fuzz’.”

Q- How often should you clean your hairbrush?

Eva advises; “Ideally, every time you use your brush!

“Be sure to pull out any hairs that have come out onto the bristles and generally, just take care to keep it clean and free from debris. Once a week, give your hairbrushes a wash using a small amount of your shampoo to remove any build up, oils or hair product”

Q- So, how should I be cleaning my hairbrush?

Eva suggests; “Firstly, pull out any lose hair and then run a comb through the bristles.  Wet the brush in warm water and massage some shampoo through it to wash away any build up and then dry off gently with a towel. It honestly is as simple as that – but you’ll really notice the difference!”

Q-And, how often should you replace your hairbrush?

Eva says; “It really does vary according to the type of brush but in general, as soon as you notice any loss of bristles or breakage you should replace the brush. There’s no point in putting off the purchase – it just won’t ‘perform’ as well for you and, in my opinion, your hair deserves better!”

Q- What’s the best type of hairbrush to buy?

 Eva recommends; “A brush with widely spaced bristles is always kinder to the hair as it puts less friction on the hair [friction can cause breakage in the hair]. In terms of my favourites, the Manta hairbrush (https://www.mantahair.com/product/the-manta-black/ ) is fantastic at minimising damage and is really kind to your hair (particularly if brushing through when wet) .

For styling (and if you want to reduce frizz), I love the new range of brushes developed by the hairdresser and stylist, Michael Douglas: https://mdlondon.co.uk/collections/brush   A really great price point, so maybe something to add to your Christmas list!”

To book a consultation at this or any of Eva’s clinics call us on 01788 819325 (9-5 Monday to Friday) or email us at admin@ukhairconsultants.com

Love, Eva x

Eva has successfully treated numerous men and women suffering from hair loss and is the resident trichologist on “The Hair Loss Clinic”, which can currently be streamed on Discovery Plus.

“I encourage anyone who is concerned about hair loss and alopecia to check out the information here, where I talk through specific variances of alopecia, causes, and potential treatment options.

As always, if you have any general concerns then please do pop me a question here: www.ukhairconsultants.com/ask-about-symptoms-eva-proudman. I’m always here for you and committed to helping people of all ages with hair and scalp health concerns.”

Or get in touch here!